Donna Brandenburg for Michigan Governor
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The official channel for Donna Brandenburg, who is running for the office of Michigan Governor
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This Week’s Schedule


Liberty Essentials
Ralph the IT Guy
Karen the Riveter

Hand Count Roadshow
Mark Cook

11am J6ers
Jalise Middleton
Brandy Burlew

9am Casey Whalen
Technocratic Communism
Vicky Davis

11am J6ers
Political Prisoners in America
Jalise Middleton
Jenny McCombs

Off the Grid
Citizen Journalists

Forwarded from Justin Deschamps
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RFK Jr. thinks Trump won't make a lot of the "mistakes" he made in the first term. I don't think Trump was a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed fool; I think he was playing dumb to expose DS actors.

This time, Trump won't need to play this game. This time, he can go full force.
Forwarded from Justin Deschamps
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This might be the most horrifying part of the COVID vaccine. And almost no one talks about it.

Here's his book that the interview was about

Dr. Michael Nehls describes for Tucker Carlson how the COVID injections affect a recipient's hippocampus—that is, the part of the brain that's involved in many cognitive functions, including memory and learning.

Tucker Carlson: "For those of us who've noticed that people who've taken the mRNA vax and boosters seem different psychologically, we're not imagining that."

Michael Nehls: "No. It's what's really happening."

Michael Nehls, MD, PhD, a molecular geneticist, immunologist, author, and educator. Nehls authored over 50 scientific publications, two of which were published with the Nobel Prize winners Paul Greengard and Martin Evans.

Dr. Nehls has a new book out called The Indoctrinated Brain.

Dr. Michael Nehls
Dr Nehls on X
This Week’s Schedule


Technocratic Communism - Vicky Davis
Casey Whalen

11am J6ers
Political Prisoners in America
Jalise Middleton
Jenny McCombs

Off the Grid
Dr David Kent
Ralph the IT Guy
Karen the Riveter

Citizen Journalists
Dan and Hollis Smeriglio
Casey Whalen
Christina Holbrook
Melissa Frysel

11am J6ers
Political Prisoners in America
Jalise Middleton
Couy Griffin

This Week’s Schedule


Off the Grid
Dr David Kent
Ralph the IT Guy
Karen the Riveter

Featured- George Webb
Citizen Journalists
Casey Whalen
Vicky Davis
Melissa Frysel
Dan & Hollis Smeriglio
Christina Holbrook

Political Prisoners in America Jalise Middleton
Couy Griffin

Forwarded from We The Media (𝑀𝑒𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓈𝒶)
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I believe we should listen to everything… not to agree wholesale with what is presented necessarily… but to listen for information. We should be able to have discussions on all subjects to challenge us …

There is a skill is being able to listen to information we don’t 100% agree with an open and objective mind…considering the information.

Pondering some things for a future time and digging into the nuggets of interest…

Example: I would not apply frequency to reduce God into being explained away AS frequency … however there are things in creation … which HE created showing his absolute brilliance.
C.S. Lewis often wrote in an allegorical style for children to be able to communicate complex principles.

We can look at the world in much the same way… a real yet allegorical … simplified… teaching tool to help us know God.

He wants us to know Him and have a relationship with Him.

Creation gives us tangible things that we can relate to see the invisible qualities of God.

Open your eyes and you will see Him as he is here, walking with us every step of this journey of life he has gifted us with.

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.
Romans 1:20

Talk to Him … He is waiting for you to wake up to the fact that He is right here…right now.

Seeking God’s leading.

This world is wandering as it walked away from God in a dark wilderness. Survival of the fittest has turned into absolute savagery against creation and other human beings. We see it all the time.

If we seek first the Kingdom of God…service to others and all those invisible qualities of God … he will lead us into a different yet better way…His way.

He could grandstand for money and power … but He chose to live a humble life. He was offered the world … power and money … instead He chose to take on the sins of the world and die so that others may live.

Many are in uncomfortable and uncharted waters now. The worship of God has been replaced by a worship and desire for the things of this world…

God forgive us and rid us of the idolatry and materialistic idols which has become a bitter poison. We love You and want You to be in charge…we will follow You wherever You choose…and are willing to do whatever You ask. We know You aren’t like us…and we are thankful for that. You are perfect and good all the time. We are no longer going to make excuses or justify our bad choices, but are asking for Your help to restore what we have screwed up. We love You…thank You for sticking with us and loving us in spite of our failings.

In Jesus Name
